Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Garden

I absolutely love summer time. I love the warm weather. I love fresh produce from my garden the most. There is nothing better than picking a cherry tomato and eating it like candy. Cracking open a watermelon to share with my family is always a sweet memory. My garden is my safe place. I don't mind the dirt or the bugs. I only see the happy place that I love.

So here you are, my friend. The place I go to fill my fridge, my belly and my heart. While wearing a dress.
Walking the path to my tomatoes. I love to eat them fresh but every day I am able to pick enough to freeze sauce for the winter.
I believe I am picking kale over there. 
Here you can see corn in the back. There is kale to the right. Flowers are in the front. Between the flowers and the corn are the tomatoes. My favorites are the Orange cherry tomatoes. 

So there we are. I hope you are making healthy choices for your mind, body and soul. :)

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