Thursday, September 18, 2014

So much crazy fun to tell you!! First the big announcement! I am running another half on December 6! So that means I better start running! I need to start training like right now! I am excited that some friends want to join me. They have already mentioned searching for costumes. I think it will be a blast. Do you have friends that inspire and encourage you? Count yourself as lucky!

School is in full swing. At my house that means more time for other friends that homeschool! We went to a park that was largely made from recycled tires. It had a nice trail...and a lake.....Do you think I didn't bring a dress? Luckily, my kids weren't embarrassed.
I think they had fun pushing me in the water. ;)

This was the half way point on the hike. My youngest son thought it would be fun to get a ride on the train. So I let him. The little girls LOVED my dress so much. I held this one most of the way back to the park. 

This is what we found at the halfway point of our hike. You know I had to try it out! 
If you can't laugh at yourself....

Keep me posted on the goals you want to achieve! I want to hear about what YOU are doing!

Sunday, August 24, 2014


So last week, I go to work out with a friend at an awesome state park that is near by. It has a trail that is almost a mile long and has spots along the way to do various workouts. It is fun and produces a lot of sweat!
On the way there I stopped at a yard sale and found the prettiest wedding veil. I just knew I had to wear it that very day. So I did!
Off to the park we went. I parked in my usual spot and ran a distance before the workout trail began. All while wearing my veil. I'm sure the people who saw me figured I was working out for a wedding or something...but no, I felt like I was having a blast and made it more fun.

Then on the way back to the van....the state park ranger stopped me! I always think the worse when they ask for license and registration. Add to that, I had a veil on my head! Then a kid threw up!! Luckily, they let me go.

I think we have a picture of me on the monkey bars with the veil. I need to post it. I will.

Also, to keep myself accountable I am posting what workout I will do for the week. It includes my t25 videos and training for a half in December!

Monday: Total Body Circuit and 3 mile run
Tuesday: Speed 1.0 
Wednesday: Lower Focus 2 mile run
Thursday: Cardio and 3 mile run
Friday: total body circuit
Saturday: Stretch after 4 mile run

I always rest on Sunday. Maybe a walk with the kids. 

Keep checking the blog and my fb page. I will start focusing more and more on my health and want to encourage YOU to be happy AND HEALTHY!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Garden

I absolutely love summer time. I love the warm weather. I love fresh produce from my garden the most. There is nothing better than picking a cherry tomato and eating it like candy. Cracking open a watermelon to share with my family is always a sweet memory. My garden is my safe place. I don't mind the dirt or the bugs. I only see the happy place that I love.

So here you are, my friend. The place I go to fill my fridge, my belly and my heart. While wearing a dress.
Walking the path to my tomatoes. I love to eat them fresh but every day I am able to pick enough to freeze sauce for the winter.
I believe I am picking kale over there. 
Here you can see corn in the back. There is kale to the right. Flowers are in the front. Between the flowers and the corn are the tomatoes. My favorites are the Orange cherry tomatoes. 

So there we are. I hope you are making healthy choices for your mind, body and soul. :)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Day 3 and 4

We have good days and we have bad days. Life happens. That is what I can conclude from Day 4. I had to work late at work. After work, I went to church with some friends to workout and play some games. At some point my cell died. Which is never good when you are a Momma. One of my babies ended up getting sick. We were at the hospital until a little after 11 p.m.


I try to always think positive! There was a silver lining to Day 4. My t25 packet arrived!! I was bummed that I didn't get to try out it but I was glad to be with my baby while he recovered.

And recovered he did! He is acting like nothing happened yesterday! I am so so so glad! I was also so excited that I could start my new workout today.

Day 5 started out how I want my days to be for now on. I put in the video for the lower focus and enjoyed every minute of it. ( ok, actually, if you were here you would know that is so not true!) I may have been holding back some expletives. But it did feel good and I haven't been sore today. Since today is Friday I have the option to do two videos. Tonight I will put the kids to bed and do my cardio video.

I have been doing pretty good with eating healthy. I could make more of an effort to add greens. I think I will go shopping tomorrow night. Anyone have a good recipe for me? I will share my favorites soon.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 2 Beach Day

Here I am, again. Ready to keep pace with the goals I have set. Yesterday, was a success. I did the t25 workout and PiYo with my friend. It was fun but let's just say my arms are feeling it this morning. :)

Today we are going to the beach. I love the ocean, but somehow sitting in the sand doesn't sound like much of a workout to me. I don't have my own t25 videos yet so I will have to find something else to do. I will probably ride my bike. We'll see.

I will start adding pics again soon. I took before and after shots yesterday. They are pretty gross. I probably won't show them for awhile.

Hmm...I just thought of something. I should take a dress to the beach! What do you think?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 1 The Confession

It has been so long since I wrote. I didn't want to become this person. But here I am. I will catch myself before I fall to far.

I have gained 25 pounds since the fall.

Twenty Five freaking pounds.

I eat basically whatever I want and workout hardly ever.

Don't get me wrong, I did do my half marathon. I still have run in countless 5k races. But I didn't post them. I even ran my half in a sweeeet dress and dyed my hair red to look like Merida in the Disney movie Brave. But I didn't post. Why didn't I post?

Because. Because I wasn't putting my all into it. Because I knew I wasn't doing *my* best. Or even half my best. I failed myself.

So here I am at the lost and found. I found the 25 pounds I had lost and hoping I don't find any more. Today I start over. Or continue to start again. I weighed myself yesterday and took measurements. I will be healthy! I will have a blast.

And I will post about it. Every.Single.Day.

Today was my confession. I am going to a friend's house and trying out a beachbody  video. I heard it is crazy hard, but I don't want something easy. I have a fridge stocked with leafy greens. I am ready.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Work it, Girl!

Another week, another snow storm! I am not used to all of this snow. I had secretly wished for a mild winter so I could push out more miles on the road. But this is what we have so this is what I will work with!

The storm we had this week gave my town 6.5 inches of snow. It also came with high winds. That worked perfect for drafts and leaving me a spot with a little less snow to work out at. I decided to wear as many dresses as I could for this workout.

My favorite exercise is burpees! They are, well, a workout on their own. Do it!

Squats were hard to do in the snow, in a dress. But...I did 300! See my expression change. Fun stuff.

Pushups. I also planked here. These, I will admit, are NOT my favorite! That's why I do them in a dress. I try to make it more fun. It worked!

Tell me what are you doing fun?

Don't forget say YES to the dress and NO to the snow cream!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Birthday!

This week was one I have looked forward to for a while now. My family has been blessed with new oppurtunities that we will take full advantage of. All this just in time for my birthday!

My new outfit! I love my hot Momma boots! A friend spoiled me with the outfit and another friend spoiled me with a yummy Mexican dinner!

Hubby didn't let the kids make me a cake. He offered to make a plate of broccoli for me, instead. I laughed hysterically when he said that. He sounded sarcastic but I knew he was serious. The only reason I declined was because I was getting ready to go out to eat.

In other work out news...I ran my furthest EVER this week! *11* miles! I felt great during and after the run. The bad part was I was running on the highway. I was almost hit not once but TWICE! It scared me enough to decide to find a different place to do my long runs.

Finding a new place to run took me to a local state park. It was a lot of fun to run in the woods. I even did a course there with different workout stations. It was a good workout!

On facebook today I asked what I should do in a dress today. I really wanted to swim but my swim location was closed today. So to make it up to you...I wore a wedding dress!

Look at the tail on that baby!

Then this happened! O.o

I couldn't get the dress out of the chain. My photographer (aka my 12 year old) went back to the house for scissors. I am saving the scrap from the dress I cut out for a special project at the end of the year.

Some ramblings in the wind....nothing set in stone. Beachbody coach and helping to organize Delaware's own zombie run.....hmmm we will see!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Beyond Freezing...Then HOT!

This has been a CRAZY week! The beginning of the week was nice and warm. I was able to get a nice run in on Monday. Then Tuesday happened! It reached a low of 6°! The windchill was below 0! Schools in my area were shut down. Did that stop me? No.

A friend asked me to take care of her chickens while she was out of town. So I went in the beyond FREEZING COLD in a dress.

It was so cold that when I gave the chickens fresh water and closed the coop back up my fingers froze to the lock!

I came home to make a fruit soup. Its like a smoothie but you warm it up. It was so needed in that cold!

Once we made it through the crazy cold we were blessed with warm weather. I was so excited to get a long run in my new dress.

A few friends joined in on my craziness. We had fun and laughed through the run.

Here are some food pictures. I love food!

this was carrot apple ginger soup. I like it better without ginger, I think.

Mango salsa is a favorite! Yummy!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Snow Storm

Just three days into the new year and we are hit with a snow storm. Believe me, that will not stop my fun!
First a breakfast picture from the first day of the new year.

The smoothie was good. I made it with almond milk, blueberries and lots of spinach. It was just warm enough that day to drink it outside.

I have been running every day to train for my events this year. The forecasters predicted 2 inches of snow originally. I thought sure I can run in a dress in that. The forecasters were wrong. We were dropped with 7 inches. So we just want outside to play. I was hesitant at first.

This was the dress I wore to my senior prom.

I actually hoped the snow would ruin the dress. It didn't.

I'm hoping to pick up some more dresses this week. If you have one you would like to donate let me know. :)